
Created on Fri Sep 30 10:09:01 2022 @author: philippe@loco-labs.io

NTV-pandas : A tabular analyzer and a semantic, compact and reversible converter


For more information, see the user guide or the github repository.

NTV-pandas is referenced in the pandas ecosystem.

Why a NTV-pandas converter ?

pandas provide IO converters but limitations are present:

  • the multidimensional structure is not taken into account,
  • the converters are not always reversible (conversion round trip),
  • the converters take into account few data types,
  • external data types (e.g. TableSchema types) are not included.

pandas does not have a tool for analyzing tabular structures and detecting integrity errors

main features

The converter integrates:

  • interfaces with Xarray, scipp, JSON,
  • all the pandas dtype and the data-type associated to a JSON representation,
  • an always reversible conversion,
  • an identification of tabular and multidimensional structure,
  • a full compatibility with Table Schema specification.

The NTV-pandas converter uses the semantic NTV format to include a large set of data types in a JSON representation.

The NTV-pandas analyzer uses the TAB-analysis tool to analyze and measure the relationships between Fields in DataFrame and the TAB-dataset to identify integrity errors (example).

The multidimensional converter uses the NTV-numpy multidimensional format and interfaces.

NTV-pandas was developped originally in the NTV project

multidimensional converter example

In the example below, a Dataframe is converted to Xarray and scipp.

The DataFrame resulting from these conversions are identical to the initial DataFrame (reversibility).

In [1]: import pandas as pd
        import ntv_pandas as npd

In [2]: fruits = {'plants':      ['fruit', 'fruit', 'fruit', 'fruit', 'vegetable', 'vegetable', 'vegetable', 'vegetable'],
                  'plts':        ['fr', 'fr', 'fr', 'fr', 've', 've', 've', 've'], 
                  'quantity':    ['1 kg', '10 kg', '1 kg', '10 kg', '1 kg', '10 kg', '1 kg', '10 kg'],
                  'product':     ['apple', 'apple', 'orange', 'orange', 'peppers', 'peppers', 'carrot', 'carrot'],
                  'price':       [1, 10, 2, 20, 1.5, 15, 1.5, 20],
                  'price level': ['low', 'low', 'high', 'high', 'low', 'low', 'high', 'high'],
                  'group':       ['fruit 1', 'fruit 10', 'fruit 1', 'veget', 'veget', 'veget', 'veget', 'veget'],
                  'id':          [1001, 1002, 1003, 1004, 1005, 1006, 1007, 1008],
                  'supplier':    ["sup1", "sup1", "sup1", "sup2", "sup2", "sup2", "sup2", "sup1"],
                  'location':    ["fr", "gb", "es", "ch", "gb", "fr", "es", "ch"],
                  'valid':       ["ok", "ok", "ok", "ok", "ok", "ok", "ok", "ok"]} 
        df_fruits = pd.DataFrame(fruits)
        df_fruits.npd.analysis(distr=True).partitions()   # return the list of partitions (a partition is a list of dimensions)
        [['plants', 'quantity', 'price level'],
         ['quantity', 'price level', 'supplier'],
         ['plants', 'location'],
         ['quantity', 'product'],
         ['supplier', 'location'],

In [3]: kwargs = {'dims':['product', 'quantity'], 'datagroup': False, 'ntv_type': False, 'json_name': False}
        xd_fruits = df_fruits.npd.to_xarray(**kwargs)
        <xarray.Dataset> Size: 976B
        Dimensions:      (product: 4, quantity: 2)
        * product      (product) <U7 112B 'apple' 'carrot' 'orange' 'peppers'
        * quantity     (quantity) <U5 40B '1 kg' '10 kg'
        plants       (product) <U9 144B 'fruit' 'vegetable' 'fruit' 'vegetable'
        plts         (product) <U2 32B 'fr' 've' 'fr' 've'
        price level  (product) <U4 64B 'low' 'high' 'high' 'low'
        valid        <U2 8B 'ok'
        Data variables:
        group        (product, quantity) <U8 256B 'fruit 1' 'fruit 10' ... 'veget'
        id           (product, quantity) int64 64B 1001 1002 1007 ... 1004 1005 1006
        location     (product, quantity) <U2 64B 'fr' 'gb' 'es' ... 'ch' 'gb' 'fr'
        price        (product, quantity) float64 64B 1.0 10.0 1.5 ... 20.0 1.5 15.0
        supplier     (product, quantity) <U4 128B 'sup1' 'sup1' ... 'sup2' 'sup2'

In [4]: sc_fruits = df_fruits.npd.to_scipp(**kwargs)
        Dimensions: Sizes[product:4, quantity:2, ]
        * plants                     string  [dimensionless]  (product)  ["fruit", "vegetable", "fruit", "vegetable"]
        * plts                       string  [dimensionless]  (product)  ["fr", "ve", "fr", "ve"]
        * price level                string  [dimensionless]  (product)  ["low", "high", "high", "low"]
        * product                    string  [dimensionless]  (product)  ["apple", "carrot", "orange", "peppers"]
        * quantity                   string  [dimensionless]  (quantity) ["1 kg", "10 kg"]
        * valid                      string  [dimensionless]  ()  "ok"
          group                      string  [dimensionless]  (product, quantity)  ["fruit 1", "fruit 10", ..., "veget", "veget"]
          id                          int64  [dimensionless]  (product, quantity)  [1001, 1002, ..., 1005, 1006]
          location                   string  [dimensionless]  (product, quantity)  ["fr", "gb", ..., "gb", "fr"]
          price                     float64  [dimensionless]  (product, quantity)  [1, 10, ..., 1.5, 15]
          supplier                   string  [dimensionless]  (product, quantity)  ["sup1", "sup1", ..., "sup2", "sup2"]       


In [5]: df_fruits_xd = npd.from_xarray(xd_fruits, **kwargs)
        df_fruits_xd_sort = df_fruits_xd.reset_index()[list(df_fruits.columns)].sort_values(list(df_fruits.columns)).reset_index(drop=True)
        df_fruits_sort = df_fruits.sort_values(list(df_fruits.columns)).reset_index(drop=True)

In [6]: df_fruits_sc = npd.from_scipp(sc_fruits, **kwargs)
        df_fruits_sc_sort = df_fruits_sc.reset_index()[list(df_fruits.columns)].sort_values(list(df_fruits.columns)).reset_index(drop=True)
        df_fruits_sort = df_fruits.sort_values(list(df_fruits.columns)).reset_index(drop=True)

JSON converter example

In the example below, a DataFrame with multiple data types is converted to JSON (first to NTV format and then to Table Schema format).

The DataFrame resulting from these JSON conversions are identical to the initial DataFrame (reversibility).

With the existing JSON interface, these conversions are not possible.

In [1]: from shapely.geometry import Point
        from datetime import date
        import pandas as pd
        import ntv_pandas as npd

In [2]: data = {'index':        [100, 200, 300, 400, 500],
                'dates::date':  [date(1964,1,1), date(1985,2,5), date(2022,1,21), date(1964,1,1), date(1985,2,5)],
                'value':        [10, 10, 20, 20, 30],
                'value32':      pd.Series([12, 12, 22, 22, 32], dtype='int32'),
                'res':          [10, 20, 30, 10, 20],
                'coord::point': [Point(1,2), Point(3,4), Point(5,6), Point(7,8), Point(3,4)],
                'names':        pd.Series(['john', 'eric', 'judith', 'mila', 'hector'], dtype='string'),
                'unique':       True }

In [3]: df = pd.DataFrame(data).set_index('index')
        df.index.name = None

In [4]: df
Out[4]:       dates::date  value  value32  res coord::point   names  unique
        100    1964-01-01     10       12   10  POINT (1 2)    john    True
        200    1985-02-05     10       12   20  POINT (3 4)    eric    True
        300    2022-01-21     20       22   30  POINT (5 6)  judith    True
        400    1964-01-01     20       22   10  POINT (7 8)    mila    True
        500    1985-02-05     30       32   20  POINT (3 4)  hector    True

JSON-NTV representation:

In [5]: df_to_json = df.npd.to_json()
        pprint(df_to_json, compact=True, width=120, sort_dicts=False)
Out[5]: {':tab': {'index': [100, 200, 300, 400, 500],
                  'dates::date': ['1964-01-01', '1985-02-05', '2022-01-21', '1964-01-01', '1985-02-05'],
                  'value': [10, 10, 20, 20, 30],
                  'value32::int32': [12, 12, 22, 22, 32],
                  'res': [10, 20, 30, 10, 20],
                  'coord::point': [[1.0, 2.0], [3.0, 4.0], [5.0, 6.0], [7.0, 8.0], [3.0, 4.0]],
                  'names::string': ['john', 'eric', 'judith', 'mila', 'hector'],
                  'unique': True}}


In [6]: print(npd.read_json(df_to_json).equals(df))
Out[6]: True

Table Schema representation:

In [7]: df_to_table = df.npd.to_json(table=True)
        pprint(df_to_table['data'][0], sort_dicts=False)
Out[7]: {'index': 100,
         'dates': '1964-01-01',
         'value': 10,
         'value32': 12,
         'res': 10,
         'coord': [1.0, 2.0],
         'names': 'john',
         'unique': True}

In [8]: pprint(df_to_table['schema'], sort_dicts=False)
Out[8]: {'fields': [{'name': 'index', 'type': 'integer'},
                    {'name': 'dates', 'type': 'date'},
                    {'name': 'value', 'type': 'integer'},
                    {'name': 'value32', 'type': 'integer', 'format': 'int32'},
                    {'name': 'res', 'type': 'integer'},
                    {'name': 'coord', 'type': 'geopoint', 'format': 'array'},
                    {'name': 'names', 'type': 'string'},
                    {'name': 'unique', 'type': 'boolean'}],
         'primaryKey': ['index'],
         'pandas_version': '1.4.0'}


In [9]: print(npd.read_json(df_to_table).equals(df))
Out[9]: True


ntv_pandas package

The ntv_pandas package includes

  • pandas_ntv_connector module
    • functions read_json and to_json to convert JSON data and pandas entities
    • functions check_relation and to_analysis
    • functions from_xarray and from_scipp
    • function as_def_type to convert a Series or DataFrame with default dtype and equals to extend pandas equals method
    • child classes of NTV.json_ntv.ntv.NtvConnector abstract class:
      • DataFrameConnec: 'tab' connector
      • SeriesConnec: 'field' connector
    • an utility class with static methods : PdUtil
  • accessors modules
    • NpdDataFrameAccessor: DataFrame accessor
    • NpdSeriesAccessor: Series accessor
  • configuration files:
    • ntv_pandas.ini (correspondence between ntv_type and pandas dtype)
    • ntv_table.ini (correspondence between ntv_type and Table Schema types)


ntv_pandas itself is a pure Python package. maintained on ntv-pandas github repository.

It can be installed with pip.

pip install ntv_pandas


  • json_ntv: support the NTV format,
  • shapely: for the location data,
  • pandas
  • tab_analysis: tabular structure analysis
  • ntv_numpy: multidimensional format

Examples and uses

Multidimensional examples

The first example presents the multidimensional interfaces.

A second example presents the Xarray interface.

DataFrame integrity

The integrity notebook explains how identify integrity errors in a DataFrame

JSON format

The first notebook presents limitations of existing json-pandas interface.

The ntv-pandas notebook presents the JSON interface and the table-pandas notebook presents the table-schema interface.


The documentation presents :


Python Connectors documentation


  • type extension : interval dtype and sparse format not yet included
  • table schema : add type / format (geojson/topojson, geopoint/default, geopoint/object, duration/default, string/binary, string/uuid),
  • null JSON data : strategy to define
  • multidimensional : merge tabular JSON format and multidimensional JSON format
  • pandas type : support for Series or DataFrame which include pandas data
  • data consistency : controls between NTVtype and NTVvalue
 1# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
 3Created on Fri Sep 30 10:09:01 2022
 4@author: philippe@loco-labs.io
 6.. include:: ../README.md
 7.. include:: ../ntv_pandas/README.md
 8.. include:: ../example/README.md
 9.. include:: ./README.md